
Larry Miller

Philosopher, Pundit, Purveyor of Hope

Something to think about...

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  New observation posted -  What is Christmas? 


How does one get to be a philosopher, pundit and purveyor of hope?

When you have lived through times of good presidents and bad, assassinations of leaders and would be leaders, disputes with powerful unions, seeing 58,000 of your generation lose their lives to satisfy the machinations of those who think they rule the world and make lots of money for defense contractors, and see your nation attacked simply because we believe in individual freedom instead of accepting sixth century middle eastern rules – you see things a little differently than you did when you were younger and knew everything.

Involvement in politics at various levels with the opportunity to get to know some of the players close up – working for some and against others – seeing what strategies work and which ones don't, getting to understand that even the good guys have their imperfections, and learning to count your fingers after shaking hands with some of them – gives you an insight into the political process. You are no longer impressed with yourself for being on the first name basis with governors, congressmen and senators.

Being a purveyor of hope is the only path left when you have been through good times and bad and you find that not everything is under your control. Like the folks at AA will tell you, you have to get in touch with the higher power. Once you find the answer to life, the only logical thing to do is share it – otherwise you have not really found the answer.