The story of Robert Kennedy Jr is a sad tale of what happens when a man who is part of a family that was once considered Democrat royalty chooses to follow a path guided by common sense and a concept of right and wrong. What we have seen is proof of the statement that neither his uncle nor his fathe…
From time to time I find things worthy of discussion... they may be in the news... or in the ultimate wisdom of God's Word.
Blog Posts
Death of a Spy
Known as the “godfather of mass surveillance”, James Angleton got his start in the spy business with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II. However before that, his father bought a business and relocated the family to Milan, Italy. As a young man he developed a love of poetry an…
Olympic Injustice
Italian boxer Angela Carini's dreams were stolen by a male masquerading as a woman. She lost her opportunity and this tough guy beat up a girl. The Olympic Committee said they wanted everyone to feel welcome and accepted... meaning this intruder into woman's sports had to be accepted. Well, Ms Carin…
An Expected Tragedy
It was difficult watching the video of President Trump being shot at by someone who may have thought he was doing the right thing based on the hate filled rhetoric that is flooding our news and opinion shows on television and social media. We rejoiced that he was not seriously wounded, but then wept…
Good Man, Not So Good Father
This is a sad story about one of God's most favored people. Many people know the story of how David's son Absolom attempted to usurp the throne and replace his father as King of Israel. However, there is much more to the story and, while Absolom should not be excused, it is helpful to look deeper in…
God Is Not A Republican
Many people believe that God has a special favor for the Republican Party. Some like to think any action they take will have His divine blessing. Even some Democrats believe there is a religious element in conservative efforts to emphasize the individual freedom over socialistic welfare. Of course t…
Hate and Anger in Academia
Some people get ahead of themselves. They think that because they began to study something they are suddenly an expert. For instance, I knew a couple engineering students who already called themselves “engineers”. I hate when they do that. You don't see pre-med students going around calling them…
We are all Barabbas
Before his crucifixion, Jesus was brought before Pilot who could find no fault with him. However, like many politicians today Pilot did not have the strength of his convictions. While he wanted to release Jesus, keeping his position and peace in the city, he yielded to the will of the people. He tri…
Resisted, Reviled and Rejected
The story of Robert Kennedy Jr is a sad tale of what happens when a man who is part of a family that was once considered Democrat royalty chooses to follow a path guided by common sense and a concept of right and wrong. What we have seen is proof of the statement that neither his uncle nor his father would be welcome in the present day Democrat Party.
It would have been possible to become part of the ruling establishment if he were willing to take on the anti-American, anti-western civilization and anti-common sense philosophy of the Obama-Biden-Harris cabal. His “problem” is that he has a sense of American values and does not wish to destroy the greatest country in the world.
Kennedy's efforts to give the party a candidate that average Americans could vote for in good conscience labeled him as an enemy of the socialist/progressive wing that currently controls the Democrat Party. The powers that be didn't even want to let the voters interfere with their selection so they did everything to keep him off the ballot where ever possible. Everything was done to keep him from looking like a legitimate candidate – to the point of endangering his life by refusing Secret Service protection.
The lack of effectiveness of this protection for another out of favor candidate is a story for another day. However it may have more relevance than I initially believed as Kennedy's father, the Attorney General had begun the process of replacing the Secret Service protection of his brother with FBI or US Marshall protection even as bullets were flying in Dallas.
With the hostility from the Democrat establishment, Kennedy was on his own. He was subject to the same type of misinformation (read lies) as Donald Trump. Every where he went he was treated with almost the same level of hostility. Then people like Pelosi, Schumer and Obama wonder how he could reject the party of his father and uncle. The fact is, they rejected him. He was a man without a party but with five percent of the vote, which could be crucial in a tight race.
Robert Kennedy Jr knew the plans of the current administration would be a disaster if permitted to continue for the next four years. He understood that with Donald Trump in the White House, the America he knew would have a chance to continue. He did not agree with Trump on everything and Trump does not agree with him on everything – but knows the man has something to contribute. This is the way things used to be when Rs and Ds could work together for the good of the country. The two of them and their followers may have a chance to create a new American consensus.
One thing the two men have in common is a sense that they and many Americans believe we did not get the full story from the Warren Commission. This is an extremely dangerous position as more than fifty people have lost their lives by poking around this information and learning too much.
The leaders of the Democrat Party and, even his own family, are angry with him for abandoning the former party of the working man, when in fact the party abandoned him and the concern for the working man decades ago. They believe he should have just dropped out and let them kick him around a few more times... something no patriot should every do.
What Robert F Kennedy Jr did was the right thing to do. It should entitle him to a new chapter in his uncle's book, Profiles in Courage... and in his own way he is working to make America great again.
Death of a Spy
Known as the “godfather of mass surveillance”, James Angleton got his start in the spy business with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II. However before that, his father bought a business and relocated the family to Milan, Italy. As a young man he developed a love of poetry and British culture – which he felt superior to American. He also developed an appreciation for the efficiency of fascism. He wasn't completely comfortable with the slaughter that usually came along with it.
He spent much of the war in Italy and toward the end helped various high ranking Nazis escape the hangman's noose by guiding them trough the “ratline” that took them through Italy and often to South America. For a while he ran the CIA assassination efforts and was there when governments were overthrown that acted contrary to American interests... that is the interests of the CIA and American multi-national corporations. These included the “spontaneous” revolutions in Guatemala and Iran in the early 50s. His sites were on Cuba, but that never materialized.
He began tracing correspondence of Americans who communicated with the Soviet Union. This program was expanded to include many others – all the while being clearly illegal for the CIA as the FBI had responsibility for domestic issues.
As he neared the end of his life he began reconsidering some of the things he had done. Raised as a Catholic, at the time he believed in the righteousness of his actions. However, later he mused about many of his colleagues, “If you were in a room with them, you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell.” And he added, “I guess I will see them there soon.”
This is probably what happened, however it was totally unnecessary. Mr Angleton was not a good man and neither were many of those he associated with though out his life. However neither he, nor his boss, Allen Dulles, who directed him in his work were too far gone to change.
The blood of Jesus could cover all of his sins, and they were many. Just like it covers all of ours if we ask. As I studied the activities of this man and some of his associates I had little sympathy for them because of all the death and destruction they caused. Yet, I still would have been compelled to tell them they don't have to carry all that into eternity. As long as you have breath you can turn around and ask God for forgiveness, even if you have spent your life filled with evil thoughts and deeds.
I never met Mr Angleton. I doubt I would have liked him. Yet I still feel sad for the man who recognized he did wrong and did not accept the remedy.
Olympic Injustice
Italian boxer Angela Carini's dreams were stolen by a male masquerading as a woman. She lost her opportunity and this tough guy beat up a girl. The Olympic Committee said they wanted everyone to feel welcome and accepted... meaning this intruder into woman's sports had to be accepted. Well, Ms Carini did not feel accepted as she knelt sobbing on the mat.
It seems these days, people that don't fit into normal society are the ones we have cater to and make them feel that they are normal. The fact is... they are not normal.
From the beginning there were men and women. They have not always retained the desires for the opposite genders they were designed for as we could see from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. This we understand.
Lately we have seen people outright reject their birth XX or XY genetics and try to say that their feelings are more important than scientific reality. Some are even proclaiming that men can have babies. Never mind that it is physically impossible, but to keep with the woke rejection of reality they have to say it is possible... just as it is possible for a man to become a woman, which is OK by them because they can't even honestly describe what a woman is.
This being the case, how can they say this guy in the Olympic boxing ring was woman enough to compete. They can't, but they solve this problem by telling us we must accept what ever someone wants to identify as.
I could sit in my garage and say I am a car. Would that make me one? No more than some guy “identifying” as a woman becomes one – even if he pays some surgeon to altar his plumbing. He is still XY until the day he dies. That XY on average gives him a stronger skeletal structure and more powerful muscles... even if they dilute their testosterone. If he is some sort of genetic anomaly, it is not fair to put him or her or whatever in the ring with someone without the superior advantage.
By catering to the fantasies of men who say they are women, we are denying them the psychiatric care they need to adjust to reality. Worse than that we are permitting them to take the place of real women who have worked to earn their place in whatever their endeavor in life. This was seen in the Olympic Tragedy and NCAA swimming events along with other less publicized injustices.
People and organizations eager to display their virtuous woke credentials by accepting and protecting all sorts of foolishness. Denying the scientific realities of biology, they open themselves to chasing all kinds of silliness – like men can become women. Using the same thinking, by spending all kinds of money and making restrictive rules for the little people we can correct the fantasy inspired, man made climate change, global warming/cooling or what designation du jour may be.
Keep in mind, these are the same people who believe JD Vance is weird.
Genesis 5:1,2
This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
An Expected Tragedy
It was difficult watching the video of President Trump being shot at by someone who may have thought he was doing the right thing based on the hate filled rhetoric that is flooding our news and opinion shows on television and social media. We rejoiced that he was not seriously wounded, but then wept when we found that the errant shot took the life of another American who was protecting his wife and daughters. This is not the America we want for our children and grandchildren.
Some are saying the other side has crossed the that we cannot tolerate. Others say the genie is out of the bottle and are talking about retaliation. This is an understandable reaction in light of being called deplorables, a danger to democracy and a host of other vile and patently false descriptives. The point is do we want to become just as hateful and divisive as those who spew lies and hate on the six o'clock news? All that would do is put us in two armed camps that will one day explode into more and more violence.
Does not responding in kind mean we quietly accept the rules of those who despise our country and wish to turn it into a socialist “paradise” where we don't even know the difference between a man and a woman? Hardly!
Matthew 10:16 tells us “be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” What does that mean? Ronald Reagan told us to “trust but verify” things we are told. It means having three uniformed police officers – along with other armed security in plain clothes - at our church on Sunday morning. It means being welcoming, but watchful.
What it doesn't mean is hating our fellow Americans who have been taken in by the false promises of those who would divide our country. In doing so we only confirm the division they are creating in our land. Martin Luther King Jr once said, “I have decided to stick to love...Hate is too great a burden to bear.” Jesus said, “love your enemies.” What neither of these said was that it would be easy. If we are to be united again, we need to build bridges, not burn them.
What can we do to change those who hate us and the country we love? Nothing! We can do nothing to change them. It is up to us. II Chronicles 7:14 tell us “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Are we willing to admit our own short comings and try to fix them?
But you it's not fair. It's not our fault! Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but we allowed things to go this far out of hand. Is fixing the blame more important than fixing the problem? If it is the problem will remain unfixed.
Abe Lincoln was in a similar situation. We may be just as divided as in the early 1860s. He concluded his second inaugural address with the following:
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
The solution is simple, but it sure won't be easy.
Good Man, Not So Good Father
This is a sad story about one of God's most favored people. Many people know the story of how David's son Absolom attempted to usurp the throne and replace his father as King of Israel. However, there is much more to the story and, while Absolom should not be excused, it is helpful to look deeper into the things that brought him to that decision.
The story begins when his brother Ammon raped their sister Tamar. Absolom was rightly angered and did his best to take care of his sister whose life was shattered by the attack. He did not do anything immediately, but his anger burned.
After a time he led his brother to believe things were alright between them. Ammon trusted him and when they were alone, Absolom took revenge and stabbed him to death. These were violent times and, while there were no legal consequences when the king's son took a life, but Absolom still thought it best to leave the area.
After several years, David wanted his son, whom he loved, to come home, so he sent for him and he was brought back to Jerusalem. Absolom was given a home and he lived like the prince he was. However, for two years, David could not bring himself to face the young man.
This hurt Absolom deeply and the Bible tells us that during this time his heart became bitter. David was a man after God's own heart we are told, but he was still a man with human failures. He was unable to see what is rejection was doing to the son who longed for his love an approval. David loved Absolom, but could not bring himself to show it... and the seeds of rebellion were planted.
Eventually Absolom gathered people around himself and declared himself to be king in his father's place. Without going into the details that can be found in the book of Samuel, David sent his army out to stop the rebellion but gave careful instructions that his son was not to be harmed.
Joab, David's military leader, was more of a political realist and he killed Absolom, believing he was doing the king a service. However when David received word of his son's death, he wept for days and replaced Joab with another.
Would David's acceptance of his son kept the rebellion from forming and prevented his early death? To say would only be conjecture, but David's human frailties, in spite of the unconditional acceptance he received from his Creator certainly stoked the flames of rebellion that led to the tragic results.
God Is Not A Republican
Many people believe that God has a special favor for the Republican Party. Some like to think any action they take will have His divine blessing. Even some Democrats believe there is a religious element in conservative efforts to emphasize the individual freedom over socialistic welfare. Of course the Constitution kind of makes that favoritism the law of the land.
In some ways, the Democrats have a better handle on the situation... but even then, they really don't get the picture. The Republicans sometimes arrogantly believe they are God's weapon to stop the godless Democrats... and at times that is ture. Democrats on the other hand – those that claim to accept the reality of the Creator – tend to follow the more liberal interpretation of the scriptures updated to modern sensibilities and values. Others just see Republican thinking as binding them to the traditional values that made our country the greatest on earth, but keeps them from their own, often destructive, devices.
So God is not interested in partisan politics. What He is interested in is people living according to revealed plan that is found in the scriptures. This means he doesn't fall in line with our plans – however, the more we follow His plan, the more he blesses our efforts. So He does not sign on to our plan, but He expects us to follow His plan.
What makes it appear the God favors the Republican Party? As with His dealing with individuals, he knows perfection is beyond our reach. As someone who has spent much time with the party, I can attest to the fact that the party is far from perfect. I still count my fingers after shaking hands with most politicians. But what does the Republican Party do to justify any good will from our Creator?
For a start, consider the fact that children are considered gifts from God. (1) King David wrote in Psalms about being known by his Creator while he was being formed in his mother's womb. (2) means that aborting them is denying the gift and destroying something created for good. The ten commandments tell us not to murder, and this killing of a living being is nothing less.
When Jesus walked on earth He was fond of children and commented to His disciples that one could not enter the kingdom of heaven unless they became like innocent children in their simple faith. (3) Children are highly and molesting them is particularly grievous... as is their mutilation in “gender reassignment”.
The left is dedicated to the welfare and promotion of the LGBTQ community and many liberal churches have fallen in line with this philosophy wanting to adjust the teachings to reflect this new acceptance of a practice that is called unacceptable both Romans (4) and I Timothy. (5) This may be a politically expedient action, but not biblical one. Loving the homosexuals does not include condoning their activity or blessing it with recognition of the union.
In James we are told that true religion includes taking care of widows and orphans and these are legitimate functions of government. (6) However, the “great society” welfare state goes far beyond what is beneficial to the individual and the nation. We are told that if someone won't work, they should not eat... (7) and system makes it far too easy the unmotivated to eat on the taxpayer's dime. Perhaps even more destructive is the ruling that the benefits flow primarily to mothers who do not have the father in the household. This has led to the destruction of many families struggling financially. (8)
There are certainly other areas where Republican positions are more closely aligned with the scriptures. Does this mean that God is a Republican? No! It just means that Republicans have more closely aligned with God's values. This is a position available to the other party, but, as a group, they have chosen to move in another direction.
1 Psalm 127:3-5
2 Psalm 139:13
3 Matthew 18:2-4
4 Romans 1:26-27
5 I Timothy 1:8-10
6 James 1:27
7 II Thessalonians 3:10
8 Mark 10:7-9
Hate and Anger in Academia
Some people get ahead of themselves. They think that because they began to study something they are suddenly an expert. For instance, I knew a couple engineering students who already called themselves “engineers”. I hate when they do that. You don't see pre-med students going around calling themselves doctors, or gender studies students calling themselves unemployed.
That hate is more a figure of speech and, unless, someone is a psychopath, it doesn't really mean anything. But true hatred can be problem – and we are seeing so much of it, and its companion, anger, in our world today, especially on college campuses. Whether it is toward a person, whether it is toward an organization, or whether it is toward our country – it distorts perspective and takes away enjoyment of the simple things in life and our ability to appreciate the good things around us.
We see examples of both on college campuses these days. Young people looking for relevance, harboring a rebellious streak are fed lies and half truths. Then, armed wihh this newfound perspective, they are ready to protest, to demonstrate, to destroy property and threaten people - anything to express their rage at "the man". They chant: from the river to the sea... and many don't even know what river or what sea. They know it has something to do with Jews - who they see as white - the Arabs living in Gaza - who have darker skin and make the leap that, once again, the white man is oppressing the dark skinned neighbor.
The lack of understanding of recent events and the historical perspective is astounding... yet they are angry and scream to stop the genocide, all the while calling for the death of all Jews. Meanwhile their fellow classmates, many of whom were with them all the way in espousing progressive thinking and causes don't know what to make of it when their former friends turn on them. These vocal protesters now regard themselves a virtuous for threatening or even harming their old comrades.
They see how many Jews have done well financially and risen to prominence without taking into account the dedication to family and respect for education and hard work - something that is available to all but anathema to many. It is hardly the result of a secret cabal.
It's easy to fall into hating someone when we don't understand who they are or how they got to where they are. Hate and envy go hand in hand. Particularly when those in charge of the institutions are whispering encouragement into the ears of susceptible misfits. As usual, youth believes they have found something new that has not been done before. Most have no idea hat went on in the late 60s. The 1968 Democrat Convention in Chicago saw another generation of anti-war protesters wreak havoc the entire week. Security was so on edge that news man Dan Rather found himself getting beaten on the convention floor by overzealous guards. Bombs blew up laboratories in colleges - even killed one or two. When they took over the deans office, they didn't leave. They were serious - seriously maladjusted. Most of those people never left academia and built the structure that has taken these young people hostage.
There are things that should justifiably anger us, and we have to deal with them... but to constantly live there is bad for the body and harmful to the soul.
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr had something to say about the things on the minds of these people, “I have decided to stick with love,” he said, “hate is too great a burden to bear.” Rev. King had far worse things done to him than any of the over-privileged college students. He added, “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”
It's been said that hating someone is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. And, it is a poison – a poison to the soul. So when we see someone behaving this way, it does us no good to return the hatred. We don't have to agree with people like this, or take actions they are pushing us to do. What we see is a struggling human being, a hurting human being, and it will help neither of us to respond in kind even though we have to take some defensive actions if they pose a threat to ourselves, a threat to our families or a threat to our country.
One more thought from the king of rock and roll. Elvis, told us, “Animals don't hate, and we're supposed to be better than them."
We are all Barabbas
Before his crucifixion, Jesus was brought before Pilot who could find no fault with him. However, like many politicians today Pilot did not have the strength of his convictions. While he wanted to release Jesus, keeping his position and peace in the city, he yielded to the will of the people. He tried one more time using the annual tradition of releasing a prisoner from the Roman jail.
Hoping to sway the crowd he offered to release Jesus or Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a really bad buy – a murderer, a insurrectionist and no friend of the common people. However his plan failed, because it was not part of THE plan. The religious leaders whipped up the crowd to demand this dangerous man be released and assign Jesus to take the punishment due to him.
In many way we are like Barabbas. We may not have killed anyone, caused riots or committed a host of other offenses like this criminal of old – but we are just as guilty and and just as deserving of punishment. You don't have to be on the FBIs Ten Most Wanted List to be deserving of punishment. You can be a “good person” still not make the grade.
The thief on the cross next to Jesus realized he couldn't save himself and neither can we. But we have to accept this gift. The price has been paid... we just have to ask. The same punishment Jesus took for Barabbas he took for us. It is ours for the taking, if only we ask.
But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5
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