
Larry Miller

Philosopher, Pundit, Purveyor of Hope

Blog posts May 2024

God Is Not A Republican

Many people believe that God has a special favor for the Republican Party. Some like to think any action they take will have His divine blessing. Even some Democrats believe there is a religious element in conservative efforts to emphasize the individual freedom over socialistic welfare. Of course t…

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Hate and Anger in Academia

Some people get ahead of themselves.  They think that because they began to study something they are suddenly an expert.  For instance, I knew a couple engineering students who already called themselves “engineers”.  I hate when they do that.  You don't see pre-med students going around calling them…

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We are all Barabbas

Before his crucifixion, Jesus was brought before Pilot who could find no fault with him. However, like many politicians today Pilot did not have the strength of his convictions. While he wanted to release Jesus, keeping his position and peace in the city, he yielded to the will of the people. He tri…

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