While a new year is a good time to draw a line in the sand and determine to do things differently, a page on a calendar is not usually sufficient motivation to make basic changes in one's life. The gyms and health clubs across the nation are packed with well meaning people hoping to develop a health…
Blog posts : "General"
What is Christmas?
Christmas celebrates the birth of a child. The fact is that the actual birth took place sometime around the middle of March, but the important point is that this child is born. His birth was predicted hundreds of years before, and wise men, astrologers, who watched the movements of the planets and s…
Memories of a High School Senior – 11/22/63
Coming up on November 22, I believed this was something I should share.
Like most everyone who was around on November 22, 1963 I have vivid memories of that day. I was a senior in math class being taught by a student teacher named Craig Svanos. Midway through the period someone stuck their …
What Does the Left Have Against Christians?
Apologists for the progressive/socialist/communist left will tell us they have nothing against people following their Christian religion, or Jewish religion or even their Muslim religion... as long as they do it in the privacy of their own home. They are the most adamant proponents of the mythical “…
Resisted, Reviled and Rejected
The story of Robert Kennedy Jr is a sad tale of what happens when a man who is part of a family that was once considered Democrat royalty chooses to follow a path guided by common sense and a concept of right and wrong. What we have seen is proof of the statement that neither his uncle nor his fathe…
Death of a Spy
Known as the “godfather of mass surveillance”, James Angleton got his start in the spy business with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II. However before that, his father bought a business and relocated the family to Milan, Italy. As a young man he developed a love of poetry an…
Olympic Injustice
Italian boxer Angela Carini's dreams were stolen by a male masquerading as a woman. She lost her opportunity and this tough guy beat up a girl. The Olympic Committee said they wanted everyone to feel welcome and accepted... meaning this intruder into woman's sports had to be accepted. Well, Ms Carin…
An Expected Tragedy
It was difficult watching the video of President Trump being shot at by someone who may have thought he was doing the right thing based on the hate filled rhetoric that is flooding our news and opinion shows on television and social media. We rejoiced that he was not seriously wounded, but then wept…
Good Man, Not So Good Father
This is a sad story about one of God's most favored people. Many people know the story of how David's son Absolom attempted to usurp the throne and replace his father as King of Israel. However, there is much more to the story and, while Absolom should not be excused, it is helpful to look deeper in…
God Is Not A Republican
Many people believe that God has a special favor for the Republican Party. Some like to think any action they take will have His divine blessing. Even some Democrats believe there is a religious element in conservative efforts to emphasize the individual freedom over socialistic welfare. Of course t…
Hate and Anger in Academia
Some people get ahead of themselves. They think that because they began to study something they are suddenly an expert. For instance, I knew a couple engineering students who already called themselves “engineers”. I hate when they do that. You don't see pre-med students going around calling them…
We are all Barabbas
Before his crucifixion, Jesus was brought before Pilot who could find no fault with him. However, like many politicians today Pilot did not have the strength of his convictions. While he wanted to release Jesus, keeping his position and peace in the city, he yielded to the will of the people. He tri…
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