Apologists for the progressive/socialist/communist left will tell us they have nothing against people following their Christian religion, or Jewish religion or even their Muslim religion... as long as they do it in the privacy of their own home. They are the most adamant proponents of the mythical “separation of church and state”. Their political understanding is that such a separation means the church has no place in government or public affairs. There is a reason for this, and it comes down to the very core of their belief system.
For the state to function in the manner they envision, it depends on the uneducated and unwashed masses to look to the ruling elites for rules to run their lives and to be final arbiter of right and wrong, as well as truth and lies. Many of them really do believe they are smarter than the riff raff they seek to control and others just use the political philosophy as the source and reason for their power. They say we are all equal but someone needs to be in charge and make decisions. It is like George Orwell's Animal Farm where it was expressed as “all the animals are equal, but the pigs are more equal”.
When this elitist thinking is confronted by the American tradition of Judaeo-Christian ethics they see an obstacle to their total control. They run into people who have a measure of proper beliefs that is outside of themselves and their dictates. They have an absolute measure of right and wrong where they cannot come back and say because the leaders are smarter and more powerful, their concepts are better than those handed down by our Creator. Hence those with such beliefs Christians and Jews are told they can have them in private, but they are not welcome in the public square.
A recent example was seen at a Kamala Harris rally where two young men shouted “Jesus ism Lord”. The vice-president told them they were at the wrong rally and had them escorted out the door. Her party recites the Pledge to the Flag – minus the words “under God”.
The last three and a half years have been dedicated to destruction of the “freedom of religion” concept as they have promoted their humanist “man is the measure of all things” belief to the exclusion of any kind of accountability to a creative deity, often purposely moving in the opposite direction. The results of their efforts have been chaos in foreign affairs, chaos in the economy and chaos in personal lives.
The most time honored expression is the rejection of the idea that children are a gift from God and it leads them to see unborn children as a gift that can be rejected by killing it in the womb. They say “my body, my choice” while carefully ignoring the idea that the concept works well when it comes to injecting foreign substances such as unproven vaccines into it – the concept falls apart when the scientific truth emerges that the child inside is only residing in their body and not a part of it.
From this they have moved on to more advanced forms of madness. While telling us to follow the science when facing a pandemic, they purposely go off in the other direction, abandoning the protection of women, which they made such a priority years ago when they were living in a male dominated society. Now they tell us a man can become a woman with some injections and pretty major surgery. Then they take if even further by telling us if a man identifies as a woman we must respect that and treat such a man as if he were a woman using “preferred pronouns”.
When a Christian, or Jew or Muslim says this is not right or acceptable, they are told that they need to adjust their thinking to the new “realities” of our time. False “realities” they have created.
Others without the religious background may speak up about the foolishness perpetrated on our country. They may cite science or common sense, but these have long been set aside by our betters who believe they know more and are not about to let them get in their way. It's like they are telling us we are all equal but the members of the leftist ruling class are more equal and smarter so we need to follow their dictates.
Communism and socialism in their various forms cannot tolerate a religious people who understand that there really are absolutes of right and wrong and who are willing to stand up to the totalitarian state that tells them otherwise. This is why they are all atheist societies with those who believe otherwise driven underground and practicing their beliefs in secret.
This is why churches must change their beliefs if they are to be tolerated by the dictatorial elites... such as the churches in 1930s and 40s Germany who turned blind eye to the persecution and eventual extermination of Jews and other “undesirables”. Dietrich Bonhoeffer would not bend the knee to the Nazi regime and they considered him an enemy of the state.
How long will it be, if we allow these people to stay in power, until they determine that Christians, Jews and Muslims are enemies of the state. It is in their minds already, just not stated publicly.